License Renewal Update Training - JUNE 2024
Smog Check Repair Technician Update Training
Time & Location
10 jun 2024, 6:00 p.m.
High Desert Automotive Smog Institute, 12850 Hesperia Road, Unit B, Victorville, CA, USA
Class Info
Classes held 6pm-10pm on the following dates:
June 10-13
All Material Included
Smog Check Inspectors are required to complete 4 hours of BAR license update training every two years for license renewal, High Desert Automotive Smog Institute will provide an online training module for this update.
Smog Check Repair Technicians are required to complete 16 hours of automotive technology update training every two years for license renewal. The objective of this course to provide continued education in the ever-evolving technology incorporated in today automobile
Instructor: Mike Warnock
Tel: (833) 576-7664
Cash Price
300,00Â US$Venta finalizadaLICENSE RENEWAL UPDATE
325,00Â US$Venta finalizada
0,00Â US$