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Levels 1 & 2 Inspector (Combined) June 2020

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Time & Location

25 jun 2020, 8:00 a.m.

High Desert Automotive Smog Institute, 12850 Hesperia Road, Unit B, Victorville, CA, USA

Class Info

Combined Level 1 & 2 courses, save $300

All Material Included

Level 1 dates:

Classes held 8:00am-4:00pm pm, for a total of 68 hours, on the following dates:

June 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30

July 1, 2, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30

Level 2 dates:

Classes held 6:00 pm-10:00 pm, for a total of 32 hours:

August 3, 4, 5, 6, 10 ,11, 12, 13

Level 1 Description:  

Level 1 Engine and Emission Controls Fundamentals training is required for Inspector candidates with minimal or no experience.*

Level 1 Training provides students with basic knowledge of engine and emission controls needed to move forward with Level 2 Smog Procedures Training. The training is a minimum of 68 hours and must be completed at a BAR-certified school. To pass Level 1 training, a student must successfully complete a series of hands-on assessments and pass a written examination.

Upon successful completion of this training, students shall, at a minimum, be able to:

  • Describe and demonstrate personal, shop, equipment, and vehicle safety practices.
  • Describe engine theory, design, and operation for both gasoline and diesel vehicles.
  • Demonstrate their knowledge, skills and abilities in identifying engine systems, parts and components.
  • Describe emission control systems theory, design and operation for both gasoline and diesel vehicles.
  • Demonstrate their knowledge, skills and abilities in identifying emission control systems on various vehicle designs.
  • Demonstrate their knowledge, skills and abilities in checking ignition timing on various vehicle designs.
  • Demonstrate their knowledge, skills and abilities in checking the operation of exhaust gas re-circulation systems on various system designs.
  • Demonstrate their knowledge, skills and abilities in checking monitor readiness on vehicles equipped with second generation on-board diagnostics systems (OBDII).

*Experienced candidates may skip Level 1 training if they: Possess ASE A6, A8 and L1 certification; or possess an AA/AS degree or Certificate in automotive technology and have 1 year experience; or have 2 years experience and have completed BAR specified diagnostic and repair training.

Level 2 Description:

 The Smog Check Procedures Training must be completed by all Inspector candidates. This training provides students the procedural knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to perform Smog Check inspections. Students who complete and pass this training will have met the Bureau's training requirements to qualify to take the Smog Check Inspector state licensing examination.

This training is a minimum of 28 hours and must be completed at a BAR-certified school. To pass Level 2 training, a student must successfully complete a series of hands-on assessments and pass a written examination.

Upon successful completion of this training, students shall, at a minimum, be able to:

  • Describe and demonstrate personal, shop, equipment, and vehicle safety practices.
  • Describe the laws, regulations, and procedures associated with consumer authorization of inspections and the overall administration of the Smog Check Program.
  • Describe the standards of practice expected of Smog Check Inspectors.
  • Demonstrate ability to calibrate an emission inspection system.
  • Demonstrate their knowledge, skills and abilities in performing Smog Check emission tests on various vehicle designs.
  • Demonstrate their knowledge, skills and abilities in performing Smog Check visual inspections on various vehicle designs.
  • Describe and demonstrate they have the knowledge, skills and abilities to perform smog check functional tests on various vehicle designs.

Instructor: Mike Warnock

Tel: (833) 576-7664



  • COMBINE LEVEL 1 & 2, save $300

    Combined Levels 1 & 2 Inspector course, save $300

    1500,00 US$
    Venta finalizada


0,00 US$

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